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Thank you!
When I played the latest version, I was able to play to the end safely.
This is a request from a Japanese player, so you can ignore it. Could you please add Japanese subtitles?
I like this game, but I'm having a hard time understanding the conversation.
So, to enjoy this game more., If you have time to spare, please consider it.
Finally, thank you for the correctioned.

Glad to hear you liked it! We'd love to be able to translate the game in Japanese but that depends on how many Japanese players and fans we get. The more Japanese people play, the higher the possiblity, so please make sure you tell your friends about Iragon! :) 

(1 edit)

Yes! I hope that someday Japanese players will increase and you can enjoy this game in more languages!



-the music

-the art style love it

-all lines of dialogue are voice acted

-the game runs smooth

-the spells are pretty dam cool

-the girls you unlock come and fight alongside you

-combat feels good


-the story...(it feels so empty)

-the world also feels empty

-the sex scene was bad

-the enemies, also empty(they say nothing )

-their is no combat dialogue(you say nothing your allies say nothing your enemies say nothing )


i really think combat banter would give the game a lot of life. have one of the girls say something when you slay a foe, enemies should call out when they see you and become active. random shouts of pain and grunting for taking hits and swinging weapons. things like this will give the moment more life.

ps : i will be buying this game

Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot! And those are great suggestions that we'll write down and discuss later. Apart from the things you mentioned, how else do you think we can impove? The sex scene for example? :) 

Nice to meet you.
I found a bug in the latest version of vr.
I immediately had a conversation with the man at the bar, but the quest mark above the man who had the conversation did not disappear and I could not continue.
*I am Japanese, but this game was very interesting. I am not good at English, so I wrote it using an interpreter. Please consider this matter.

Hello, thank you for trying our game and for translating your message for us! Your issue was that after you talked to the man at the bar, there wasn't another quest showing up? Did nothing show up at all? 

Thank you for your reply. Yes, there was a yellow circle next to the chair at the bar at first, but when I touched it and finished talking with the man, the yellow circle disappeared and the story stopped. However, there was one change, and light blue footprints appeared at the feet. I saw in the video that it points to the destination, but it has only one footprint, it always appears in front of me and points in the same direction as me.

I love the The game for this good Vr Gameplay it realy nice

Thank you, glad you like it! What was your favorite and least favorite part about it? 

I like the combat mechanics and the open world no VR game has that :)

Thank you, that's only just the demo! We have a lot more work to do, what do you think we could improve? :) 

if the sword drops it should disappear immediately or disappear slowly sorry for my bad english i am german

I am always happy that someone makes such big projects for adults ♥

Thanks for keeping an eye on our game, we see your comments often. :) Were you able to download and play? 

not yet. but the pictures are inspiring. So far, I've signed up.

Deleted 140 days ago

Hello, could you elaborate more on your issue? In which level were you unable to destroy anything? 

Deleted 140 days ago

We'll do our best to investigate this issues. We haven't encountered it so far, but if you feel like it, you can stay tuned for next builds to see if you'll still  have it. 

played through the non vr and vr version i didnt finish the vr version cause it was too laggy it was playable but hard to play one thing id say to do with the vr version is to make it so when you move irl the players hitbox also moves a reason i suggest this is because i would often move my body and realize it doesnt move the vr player although moving the sword and spells to where its supposed to be it didnt move the actual player thus i take damage another reason is to be able to dodge of course some people dont have a big play space so controller also i think the spells should be moved cause i have trouble grabbing the fire spell with my right hand and the lighning spell with my left i dont have long arms and cutscenes dont show in vr im sure some of these were already planned to be done but i still pointed them out cause idk

-random person on the internet

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. We will discuss this with the team. We're always trying to improve VR anyway we can and it is really tricky to nail it. So, this helps. Also, you said you experienced some lag in VR but not in 3rd person, right? May I ask  what your PC specs are? 

yeah i dont exactly remember them but this is what i remember

i5 9600kf?

geforce gtx 1650 i think

msi mpg z390 gaming pro carbon ac

dual ddr4 8 gig corsair vengeance lpx i dont remeber the mhz

i forgot to say im using oculus link cause i have a quest but i dont have any problem in any other game i use with link that have better graphics and stuff like that

Well we haven't had the time to properly optimize the game yet, but we plan on doing that soon. A lot of people are having low FPS drops and we are gonna try to optimize as much as we can.

well i wish you are able to do that sooner so more people get a chance to play it

good luck!


Some things I liked about the game: The circles to stand in for interacting with characters made it clear where to go, the signs being highlighted to go the farm was a little detail I liked a lot. I liked the fact that the camp itself was a static thing that you "went" to, but I would like it more if there was say a portal you went into to get to the camp so that the static terrain made sense. 

I wasn't a huge fan of the landing having a bit of lag before I could move again.
The line showing you were to go to those circles in the tavern was a bit excessive, I feel like for instance you could just give a description of where the character is in a small text box that outlines your quest briefly and still have the circles and that would suffice. 

Wish the dev team the best.


Hello, thank you for the feedback and suggestions! We're glad you enjoyed the game. We will discuss some of the things you said, thank you for the nice wishes! What was your favorite and least favorite parts of the game? 

So my least faveourite part was probably the interaction with the girls where you touch them. As an idea it was fine, but I think there should be some sort of tangible benefit to doing it like increasing their affection.
My faveourite part might have been the sign lighting up as directions haha. To give another as that seems bland I did like how you introduced the "ice dragon"? character. Some light borderlands vibes. 

To be upfront I'm not a game dev nor a story writer but thanks again. I think the game has some solid ideas. I'll be keeping an eye.

Thank you, those are good ideas and suggestions. You don't have to be a game dev or a writer to have those. :) Glad you'll be keeping an eye. We'll keep updating each week. 

Can't skip NPC dialogue, only my own

Can't access settings

Graphics are really low quality, there's that Texture pool text in the top left corner. It's like you are missing mipmaps and attempting to render every texture in full resolution.

Obviously the game is meant to look good so it's pretty much unplayable at this state.

Looking forward to beta test this later when the graphics are fixed. This game has really professional feel about it.

when will the game be full release?

Hi, for now we don't have a specific release date yet, but we plan to launch a kickstarter page at the end of this year hopefully. 

(1 edit)

I just started playing. First thoughts:

1. Controls tutorial was nice!

2. I am constantly getting an error overlay about "Texture streaming pool over XXX.XX MiB Budget" and the graphics look incomplete.

3. But clicking "Settings" does nothing. It does not open any settings dialog.

4. I quit the game after visiting the tavern and starting to walk towards farm lands, hoping to go to Settings on re-launch. However on re-launch, I had the quest item "get to the farm," but I was back in the tavern and the game was forcing me to go talk to the same people again. How boring, so I quit. (The point is, this is a buggy save state, and also not ideal since I do not want to lose progress when quitting)

5. If I repeat dialog with people I already spoke to, e.g., talking to Tavern person 1 again after speaking with him and Tavern person 2, I should be able to skip it. It is very time-consuming.


PS: This screen shot illustrates points 2 and 4 :) 

(1 edit)

Hi! Thanks for the feedback! Im sorry about the error you had. Could you let me know your PC specs? It might have something to do with that. Yes, we haven't implemented proper settings yet, because we are still in early development but we plan to do that soon. The button is there but doesn't lead anywhere for now. 
As for the saving states - the saving system was only made last week and we still need to polish a lot of it and make sure it works better, so bugs like this help us do that. Again sorry for the inconvenience but it is still a work in progress. We'll keep polishing it out with every new build. Thank you for the kind words and the detailed explanations! :) 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the response. I have a gaming PC with a quad-core 3.5GHz Intel Pentium G4560 processor, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050, an SSD hard drive, a roomy 2560x1440 pixel widescreen monitor, and 16GB of RAM. (I am not running the VR version.)

(1 edit)

So the problem might be that the game is still not well optimized for middle class machines. Because we are so early in development we still haven't had time to optimize (but we plan to) nor have we added low res/graphic quality settings. Once we do optimize and test though, we will announce it here and on all our other medias, so stay tuned. And again, sorry for the inconvenience and that for now I dont have a better solution for you. 

OK, thx

FWIW, I just played the update. Continuing from a save is still pretty weird, of course, and I hear you that anything but non high-end systems aren't supported yet, but this chick didn't even have nipples :D 

On the other hand, I like the sword swinging effect very much. That's really nicely done.

I'm a little curious - the girl who voices Erica has a noticeable but hard-to-place accent. What is it?

She does have nipples, they just aren't rendered properly due to low graphics quality :D As for Erika's voice, we had a lovely and very talented actress from the Philippnes voice her, but we don't really think she has a noticeable accent. 

Will it be on quest? or can i sideload it?


Hi, so far Iragon is available for the Rift and Vive. We hope to be able to get it on the Quest as well.

(6 edits) (+1)

you can play it on the quest if you use link although there is some setting up i do recomend you have a good pc if you wanna play it though link cause my pc is pretty good but i still noticed delays and low frame rates in areas with a lot of mobs                                                               Edit: the game isnt optimized for lower end devices yet so this will probably change in the future

Any help on the 'setting up' part?

got the game to run on my Quest 2  with Virtual Desktop and SteamVR but the mapping of the controlers don't fit. Tutorial tells me to press buttons I dont have on my Quest 2 controllers. I tried nearly every binding.

Did you seriously just take Jocat's joke from the Crap Guide to Bards video?

...inspired by

This looks so cool. I need some better equipment to run it, but im going to remember this one for sure!

(1 edit)

Thanks! We still haven't had much time to optimize and add various graphic and performance settings but we do plan on doing that. So once we do, we'll announce it and you could give it a try. :) 

(1 edit)

Will there ever be a mac or other non-vr port?

Edit: I see the 3rd person now. My bad!

No worries! Let us know if you manage to try it out.

Does it support Oculus quest?


Hi, for now it doesn't, but we hope that in the future we'll be able to support Quest as well. :) 

I played the VR demo for about half an hour. It's friggen awesome, absolutely outstanding for a demo.  The random change in voice actors is a little strange, and the graphics could use some work (Obviously its in Pre-Alpha, it'll get better). This game is all I've ever wanted in a VR game; Spells/magic, combat system, an ENTIRE STORY (For long playtime), and (for now) it's free. I love this, can't wait to see it evolve and support it some day

Wow, thank you for the kind words! We really appreciate it. We are working with professional voice actors for the random voice changes. Those weird sounding ones were placeholder. But thank you for being so positive! You can always follow us on our early Kickstarter page so that you get notified when we go live and you can also drop by our Discord as well. :) What was your favorite part from the game? 

I've noticed and even left a comment on your kickstarter page, I might take a look at discord too. I loved how funny it was to spam the spells and demolish the enemies with all the colourful explosions, but I'm sure that will be changed with a mana or cooldown system later on, right? 

'd love to be a tester and have lots of contact with you developers to help point out bugs and missing features. I seriously can't get over how it has so many features despite being in Pre-Alpha, I have really high hopes for when this is finished. How often do you guys update? When is the next major update?

Was kinda confused when I launched the game and it made Steam state I was playing Spacewar

Hello. :) Were you able to play the game? 

Hello, I would contact you on Discord about this, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, I'm running the PC version (non VR) and have played for quite a while. However, when I quit, and tried to reload the save, the load game button would press, but nothing would load. There are saved game files in the section.

How do I go about making sure I can reload my saved progress?

Hi, thank you for writing. We answered in Discord. 

Where exactly are the save points in this game?  I can't find a game menu. I've had to quit the app a few times to figure out some settings, and each time I've had to start the game from the beginning, "Load Game" doesn't do anything. I've got as far as the tavern and spoken to the NPCs (at least I assume that's what is happening, as there is currently no sound).

(1 edit)

Hello, currently the main menu options aren't active because we are still working on them. As for the save points, there are different ingame checkpoints that automatically save your progress. So after dying somewhere in the game you will start from the latest checkpoint you reached. Are you testing in VR or 3rd preson? 

In VR. I played again until I got to the first camp.  I see there are autosaves in  IragonProject/Saved/SaveGames (including a camp save), but I have no way of loading them - my only choice is to start a new game.  The "load game" button chimes when I press it but nothing happens.

Yes, there is no way to load them because we still haven't implemented loading save files. Sorry to say that but once you quit the game and start a new game, you will start from the beginning. It is a demo after all and we will be working on implementing that. As for the sound issue, we're not sure what could be causing it. There are a few simple things you can try: make sure that once you start the Iragon application it is on focus by Windows. It might be showing on your desktop but still can be out of focus and if it is, the sound might not play fully or partially. Another thing you can try is check your headset sound input settings in the control panel to make sure that the sound is coming from there and not some other source like headphones and others. Let us know how that went. 

hey just installed the game and tried to play it but said that nothing can de found, i re-installed and repaird and tried re-downloading but the same issue, any advice would be great

Hi,  sorry to hear about your issue.  Usually the files don't require any installation, you just have to run the "Iragon.exe" file.

What we can recommend is: Delete all previous files you downloaded. Try downloading again. Wait for the full download of the Iragon ZIP file. Once downloaded, Unzip the file and open the folder. From there you will be able to see the "Iragon" application icon. That's where you have to start the game and it will start automatically without any installation. 

Let us know how it goes. :) 

Hey I recently purchased a VR headset and have since set out to try and find all the hidden gems. I believe I have stumbled upon one here but I can only see the non-VR download. Where would I go to get a download I can use in VR?


Hi, thanks for the kind words and sorry for the inconvenience! This week we weren't able to upload a VR build because it wasn't stable.  I am sorry to say that you might have to wait until our next build release which will be either this week around thrusday, or next week thursday. You can follow us here to keep up to date or join our Discord where you can also chat with the rest of the team. :) Here is theDiscord link

I honestly made an account just to leave this comment :D

I'm an engineering graduate and I know my way around 3D modeling, I'd love to volunteer for you guys if you need any help.

Also, I'm a DM, running a Pathfinder TTRPG, I could help with both voice acting and quest writing.

I'd LOVE to help you guys out as from what I've seen, your game is quite amazing!

Thank you so much for the kind words and offering us your help! For now we don't need any help with 3D or voice acting, but if you join our Discord you can leave whatever story related or other suggestions in our channel and you can directly chat with the rest of the developers. Pretty much anything you write in our Discord you can be sure that we'll see it and consider it. :) Here is the link

On a second thought... There might actually be something you could help us with, if the offer still stands that is. How can we contact you personally? Any social media or an email? We have Twitter and Facebook as well apart from Discord. And an email you can directly contact is 

this has got to be the best subtitle for a game ever

Hey, thank you! Which subtitle did you mean exactly?

with my HTC VIve pro i have problem with controll...... pls fix that

Hey, can you tell us more about what the problem is? 

(2 edits)

thx for fast Reply very laggy the controlling and in  camp scene the Girl dont give a kiss in VR mode and i get black screen after i leave the Girl idk why becouse in non VR it works great

Yes, we are aware of FPS issues and are working to fix that for the next build which will be uploaded either tomorrow or next friday. The girl scene in VR is also something we are still working on. Sorry about these issues! We are working to fix them asap. 

(1 edit) (+1)

thx for fast reply oh wow i have testet the new update  good dialoge nice Kissing Scene :) to touch her i must use right mouse and left mouse button same time but i cant touch the head in second scene i can touch hand breasts and feets but also not the head when i take a wrong anser at her and i will to it again to give her a right anser the game stucks i must restart it this should be fixed becouse u must play from the beginning every time (a save option is hopfuly in next update ? :) i cant wait for the next VR version thx a lot and good work on it

Make the gosse get on my screen


I was just curious which VR systems this game works on

(1 edit) (+1)

It works on Oculus Rift, Rift S and HTC Vive. There is a possibily that it might run on WMR, but we haven't tested it,  so we don't recommend it.  :) 

Honestly, game has potential. Played the free version (skeleton base version) you have here. 

I do like the unlocks in the gallery for characters. Maybe the Gallery thumbnails could be blurred at first. Some quests tied to them (gotta work hard for the titties but not too hard) lol, But some people aren't comfortable with sexuality apparently. 

The melee  combat definitely needs more work: Needs dodging or blocking. so far, enemies seem fine. 

Anyways, keep up the work! 


p.s. Many will criticize but an artist will always be his own worst critic. In the end, what may seem to have perished will turn into beauty. 

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback! Glad you enjoyed it and managed to see some potential. We are working hard on it everyday and more updates are coming soon! Feel free to stay tuned on our Discord, cause that is where we post updates first.


Is there going to be a censored version. So like still LEWD but not straight up rule 34? I can see this game having a lot of potential, but once I entered the camp and went to the gallery of Paige, and saw the first gallery, it made me very uncomfortable and I uninstalled it.

boobs do me a scare


Hello, Yes we are considering to make a censored safe version, depending on how well the game goes. :) So sorry that you felt uncomfortable. 


Okay! Thank you! I'm okay with things being LEWD but if it's straight rule 34 (Pornography) Then that's when I start getting uncomfortable. Thank you for responding!


uncencored is it


Yes, it is uncensored. :) 

Any mobile versions?

Sorry, unfortunately this is a PC only game. :) 


This looks pretty good, any chance for a Female MC one day?

Thank you! We haven't discussed having a female MC, but depending on how the development of the game goes, we are open to anything. What did you like the most? :) 

For some reason there is no sound in Oculus Rift S. The sound comes from the sound card of the computer and it does not change anywhere in the settings. How can this be fixed? The problem is only with this game.

I am sorry to hear about your issue. Unfortunately we don't have the Rift S, so we haven't tested on it therefore we haven't ran into this issue, so at this point we don't have an idea on how to fix this. Maybe try changing around the different sound input devices you have. A wrong device selected can sometimes be the issue. Let us know how it goes. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Is there any nudity in this came yet?

Asking for a friend.


Haha, for now there is no nudity. But we are currently working on a build that will include some and we are planning to release it in the next few weeks. First place to get it will be our Discord :) 

is there nudity in this game?


Currently no, but it will be implemented.

It looks good, though the video trailer focuses more on the classic fighting game. I don't know when anime is included in the story.

Thank you! What would you suggest for including more anime in the story? We are still working on the story and are flexible and open to any suggestions :) 

Rather interesting so far but could use a few touch ups in some areas. Seems like it has some controller support but I couldn't perform certain actions such as using the camp, might want to either improve controller support or remove it. Grappling was fun but I did find myself falling to my death a few times when I'd grapple something that left the line too long to get close enough to another grapple point, I'd suggest adding a way to move up and down the line to prevent this similar to the clawshot in Twilight Princess or maybe have set line lengths. Also some information about combat would be nice since I was never given any info on it when I encountered my first enemies, I only managed to survive because I had stumbled upon the equip wheel and figured combat out on my own before that point. I also think spells could use a bit of a splash zone since the lighting spell didn't seem to hurt unless I directly hit the enemy regardless of the signs that they were in the blast zone on the ground (didn't really test the fire or frost spells so not sure how they work). Dialog was also a little quiet in the cabin scene even when I raised my volume and since the scene didn't have subtitles I almost couldn't hear what they were saying. After all that I still had fun swinging around and raining lightning down on my enemies and am interested in seeing more.

Thank you for your suggestions. The game is still in pretty early stages so there are a lot more features to come and a lot of issues to fix, some of which you've mentioned here.

Does it need some software to run the game? I have opened it several times but it leave me with a loading pointer mouse and just like that. I have tried to open the game folder and edit the config for the game, like resolution, graphics etc; but still give me nothing. It is a nice idea for the game tho and myself too an Anime fan, so it would be great to be able to Play this game.

Or does it need a good computer's requirements to play the game? Like 8 gb Ram or Intel i7 or sort ... don't know though unless there's some explanation  on details about that -_-

(1 edit)

And if it support a low PC's spec to run that would be GREAT, and mind is one of them, maybe. And yeah My PC's specs are:

 - Intel Core i3-7020u Processor 2.30 GHz

 - Intel® HD Graphics 620

- 4 gb RAM

Edit : And I'm not using VR device though ...

Hi, sorry to hear you're having problems. This is strange indeed. If you're starting up the VR build it won't work if you don't have Steam. If you are starting up the non-VR version then the problem is most likely in your graphics card.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply. I am starting up the non-VR version indeed and yeah just as I thought the problem's on my graphics card and well ... yeah what I can do now is just to wait till I got a new Proper Laptop or PC while following the development of the game. 

And it's a nice game tho!

I haven't been able to try the game out because every time I try to open the game,  it takes me to website and I cant get my steamvr out of monitor mode so it screws everything up for my headset until I turn it off, try it again, rinse and repeat. I've tried 6 times and have had no luck. so itd be a help to fix that because im really interested in what this game has.


The tagline is offensive! Well done Repulse =...( But

I think it should be "Slay Bitches & Lay Witches" .. I mean come on.


yeah its just offensive really

Wow this was cooler than I was expecting, really liked the grappling mechanic - though it could be more clear when you first get the ability that only certain surfaces can be grappled to

The text following your gaze felt a little strange, also because it was a little too wide for the FOV of my Oculus Rift CV1.

It was cool that there was a story developing between me and the other character, obv. voice acting and microphone quality / processing of the audio file to remove noise and try to equalize volume and reverb across actors/clips could be improved. I'm sure it's just placeholder though.

I liked that the caster enemy dodged, made things feel a little more interesting. I don't like the bullet hell style VR games where it literally becomes stressful trying to defeat waves of enemies so it would be cool to have slightly challenging combat but to avoid that stressful style of fighting.

Most excited to see the story and dialogue in this game more than anything.


The grammar really needs work

Is there a menu that is accessible? Ive hit pretty much every button but cant access anything to save, or quit the game without doing ALT F4

Is there an issue with the models? the model that shows up while playing is female, but the voice is male, and in cutscenes the character appears to be male

Include a way to reel in the grappling hook. It can sometimes put out too much line, leaving you hanging below the islands with no way to get back up except to fall, and start over

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback!  We are still in Pre-Alpha stage and trying to work out a few core things along with the issues you mentioned.  

The menu and save system won't be ready for a few more weeks.   Right now we are still trying to work out a menu with spells, weapons, items, and a gallery of unlocked scenes.

We hope to eventually give the player the option to be either male or female but the final player models are still not decided. 

We are trying to come up with a solution to reel the player up, right now the only way to do it is to let go and then grapple again which automatically pulls you up but is not very intuitive.

We post updated builds and update videos regularly,  hopefully the issues you pointed out will be resolved soon.  

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